Driver={Oracle in OraDb11g_home1};Server=\\localhost:1521\local;Uid=mike;Pwd=password
Driver={Oracle in oraH1C};Dbq=//fioradb5u.xxx.xxxxxx.xxx:10090/USIMRAT;Uid=us3r;Pwd=chang3m3;
Oracle oledb connection string for 11g XE
I installed Oracle 11g XE and ODAC package and am trying to use C# OLEDB to create a database connection, however it does not work, i tried following connection strings, none of them worked:
(1) connectionString = "Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Data Source=localhost:8080/apex/my_database_name;User ID=system;Password=xxxxx;"
(2) connectionString = "Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Data Source=localhost:8080/apex/;User ID=system;Password=xxxxx;"
I can log into application express via to create and modify tables without any problem.