本文將列出可供 OLE DB Provider for SQL Server 在隨附於 Visual Studio 6.0, 版版本 7.01.0502 初始化 (ActiveX Data Objects ] [ ADO 連線) 屬性。 Visual Studio 文件列出了 SQLOLEDB Provider, 初始設定屬性時部份的屬性描述不正確, 且文件未指定其他資訊如描述名稱的屬性。
名稱的屬性 (Property) 是重要讓您瞭解如何使用 ADO 連接字串中的, 來設定屬性 (Property。
會 SQLOLEDB 將 OLE DB 初始設定和授權屬性解釋為:
會 SQLOLEDB 將 OLE DB 初始設定和授權屬性解釋為:
ADO Connection string name/PropertyID Description -------------------------------------- ----------------------------- "Data Source" The SQL Server to connect to. DBPROP_INIT_DATASOURCE "Initial Catalog" The SQL Server database. DBPROP_INIT_CATALOG "Integrated Security" A string containing the name DBPROP_AUTH_INTEGRATED of the authentication service. The default value for this is VT_EMPTY. This can be set to "SSPI" or to a null BSTR pointer for Windows NT Integrated security (Secured Support Provider Interface). If SQL security is desired, the "Password" and "User ID" properties should be set instead. "Locale Identifier" SQLOLEDB validates the locale DBPROP_INIT_LCID ID and returns an error if the locale ID is not supported or is not installed on the client computer. "Password" The password assigned to a DBPROP_AUTH_PASSWORD SQL Server login. This property is used when SQL Server Authentication Mode is selected for authorizing access to a SQL Server database. "Persist Security Info" SQLOLEDB persists DBPROP_AUTH_PERSIST_SENSITIVE_AUTHINFO authentication values, including an image of a password, if requested to do so. No encryption is provided. "Prompt" SQLOLEDB supports all DBPROP_INIT_PROMPT prompting modes for data source initialization. SQLOLEDB uses DBPROMPT_NOPROMPT as its default setting for the property. DBPROMPT_PROMPT (1) Always prompt the user for intialization information. DBPROMPT_COMPLETE (2) Prompt the user only if more information is needed. DBPROMPT_COMPLETEREQUIRED (3) Prompt the user only if more information is needed. Do not allow the user to enter optional information. DBPROMPT_NOPROMPT (4) Do not prompt the user. "User ID" A SQL Server login. This DBPROP_AUTH_USERID property is used when SQL Server Authentication Mode is selected for authorizing access to a SQL Server database. "Window Handle" A window handle from the DBPROP_INIT_HWND calling application. A valid window handle is required for the initialization dialog box displayed when prompting for initialization properties is allowed. "Connect Timeout" SQLOLEDB returns an error on DBPROP_INIT_TIMEOUT initialization if a connection to the SQL Server cannot be established within the number of seconds specified. Approximately ten seconds is the lower limit.下列屬性是擴充由 SQLOLEDB 提供者定義的屬性。 所有的屬性都是讀取 / 寫入。 屬性 ID 定義於 Sqloledb.h 檔案。 請參閱 〈 參考 〉 一節如需如何取得標頭檔 (Header File) 的資訊。
ADO Connection String Name/PropertyID Description ------------------------------------- ------------------------------ "Application Name" The client application name. SSPROP_INIT_APPNAME Type: VT_BSTR "Auto Translate" VARIANT_TRUE SSPROP_INIT_AUTOTRANSLATE SQLOLEDB performs OEM/ANSI Type: VT_BOOL character conversion when multi-byte character strings are retrieved from, or sent to the SQL Server. VARIANT_FALSE SQLOLEDB does not perform OEM/ANSI character conversion on multi-byte character string data. "Current Languge" A SQL Server language name. NOTE: Note the incorrect Identifies the language used spelling. for system message selection SSPROP_INIT_CURRENTLANGUAGE and formatting. The language Type: VT_BSTR must be installed on the SQL Server or data source initialization fails. "Network Address" The network address of the SQL SSPROP_INIT_NETWORKADDRESS Server specified by the Type: VT_BSTR DBPROP_INIT_DATASOURCE property. "Network Library" The name of the Net-Library SSPROP_INIT_NETWORKLIBRARY (DLL) used to communicate with Type: VT_BSTR the SQL Server. The name should not include the path or the .dll file name extension. The default is provided by the SQL Server client configuration. "Packet Size" A network packet size in bytes. SSPROP_INIT_PACKETSIZE The packet size property value Type: VT_I4 must be between 512 and 32767. The default SQLOLEDB network packet size is 4096. "Use Procedure for Prepare" SQL Server stored procedure SSPROP_INIT_USEPROCFORPREP use. Defines the use of SQL Type: VT_I4 Server temporary stored procedures to support the ICommandPrepare interface. SSPROPVAL_USEPROCFORPREP_OFF (0) A temporary stored procedure is not created when a command is prepared. SSPROPVAL_USEPROCFORPREP_ON (1) Default A temporary stored procedure is created when a command is prepared. The temporary stored procedures are dropped when the session is released. SSPROPVAL_ USEPROCFORPREP_ON_DROP (2) A temporary stored procedure is created when a command is prepared. The procedure is dropped when the command is unprepared with ICommandPrepare::Unprepare, or when a new command is specified for the command object with ICommandText::SetCommandText, or when all application references to the command are released. "Workstation ID" A string identifying the SSPROP_INIT_WSID workstation. Type: VT_BSTR "Initial File Name" This property is for future use SSPROP_INIT_FILENAME with SQL Server 7.0 database Type: VT_BSTR files.